NYC Design

Design Philosophy

According to Maslow, a well-known psychologist, some people can get sick if their aesthetic needs are not satisfied.

For the last 20 years, since 2001, NYC Design Inc. has been trying to create aesthetically pleasing spaces that will appeal to the Jersey City community. Our goal is to contribute toward lowering construction costs with every design created with the help of our affiliated local construction firm. In that way,  we hope to provide the public greater access to the beautiful and aesthetically pleasing spaces designed by our companies to uplift their everyday lives.

Jaeock Kim, President

 – Columbia University, New York, Master of Architecture
 – Parsons the New School for Design, New York, Bachelor of Fine Arts
 – Ewha Women’s University, Seoul (South Korea), Bachelor of Arts

Teaching Experience
 – Seoul Institute of Interior Design, Seoul (South Korea), Principal
 – Kyunghee University School of Architecture, Seoul (South Korea), Design Studio Instructor

Design Work Experience
 – NYC Design Inc., New York
 – Kunwon Architects and Planners, Seoul (South Korea),
 – Lawrence & Wrightson Architects, London
 – Beyer Blinder Belle Architects & Planners, New York
 – Corringan Design Inc., New York

Photographs of the Business Premises – Interior

Young Sun Song, desiger and jaeOck Kim, president
JaeOck Kim and Jim Luty, JLA (James Luty Associates)